Developmental Editing Testimonials
"Cameron is a fantastic developmental editor that I would recommend to anyone at any stage of their writing career. Not only is she the fastest editor I’ve worked with, she’s also the most in depth. Her notes were like a personal master class catered just for me and I was so excited to dive in. While going through her suggestions, I learned how to correct long-standing mistakes and bad habits in my writing that I’ve been doing wrong for years. I was also able to see the weaker spots in my story and plot holes that I’d never have been able to spot on my own. Cameron is the magic ingredient for getting any writing project to the next level. I can see myself working with her on all my future manuscripts, and I can’t wait."
-Tiffani Barth
"Cameron is a fantastic developmental editor with valuable insight and a great eye for detail. The constructive criticism she provided for my novel was indispensable. She was happy to discuss my questions in greater detail as needed and gave me a clear idea of what was working in the story and what wasn’t. The book wouldn’t be what it is now without her feedback."
-T.A. Hernandez
"Cameron of Write Plan Editing completed the edit in a timely fashion. She was very helpful in pointing out the parts of the craft that I needed to work on to improve my writing. She helped me know what I was doing right, and where I was missing the mark. She gave me a thorough edit of my book with countless side notes throughout, and a detailed editorial letter summarizing the plot, pacing, description, and characters. She's given me a lot of work to do, but more importantly, she's given me a guide to use in the next round of rewrites and editing. I highly recommend the developmental editing services of Write Plan Editing." (Update: Eric is now part of the Wattpad Stars and Wattpad Paid Stories program.)
-Eric Dabbs
"Cameron's developmental edits made each draft of my manuscript ten times better. She gives excellent guidance when it comes to plot, character arcs, and addressing habits I hadn't known I'd fallen into as a writer. Cameron opened my eyes to a hundred improvements and to techniques that helped keep my writing at a high standard even after completing the current project. I definitely recommend working with her."
-Jabe Stafford
“Cameron is a phenomenal developmental editor. Her clear and thorough feedback has helped me take my writing to the next level after a long period of feeling stagnant. She has provided valuable insight on plot holes, character development, pacing, dialogue, and much more. She was able to identify weaknesses in my manuscript that I never would’ve caught on my own. Cameron has played a key role in the strengthening of my manuscript and my growth as a writer. I look forward to working with her on future projects.”
-Taylor Thomas