The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: What Clothing Says About a Person
In the past few months, we've explored several aspects of worldbuilding and character development that novice writers often ignore. We've...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: How Things Are Made
Over the past few months, we've tackled several little ways novice writers mark themselves as amateurs. We've discussed how to give your...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: How Education Impacts Speech
Here at Write Plan we've spent the last few months exposing rookie writing mistakes and showing you how to develop the world beyond your...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: Body Language
We've spent the past several months exploring the ways novice writers mark themselves as amateurs. We've talked about how to develop the...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: The Use of All Five Senses
We've spent the few months exploring the ways novice writers mark themselves as amateurs, discussing how to develop the world beyond your...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: A Sense of a Larger World
Over the past several weeks, we've discussed several things novice writers often forget to include in their stories—things that risk...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: Filter Words
Today we'll switch gears a bit and discuss a small thing novice writers tend to leave in their manuscripts (rather than something they...

The Little Things Novice Writers Miss: Side Characters' Motivations
Last month we started exploring the missing story elements that often mark a writer's work as amateur, beginning with a topic dear to my...